Question Title

* 1. Please rate how interested you would be in these summer school classes.

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ACT Prep Course: Learn skills and strategies to improve your overall ACT score, as well as individual subject test scores. Take practice tests and work through getting correct answers and feedback on how to better answer questions.
Driver's Ed: Classroom and Behind the Wheel training necessary for obtaining your driver license.
Lifeguard Certification Course
Athletic Strength and Outdoor Exploration: Get into peak condition this summer training with your teammates! Become a better athlete and have fun while doing so. This course involves weight lifting, agility training, and various outdoor activities.
Checkpoint Crash Course: This course in intended for students that received a C or lower in Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, or Algebra II. Review the materials you're struggling with and possibly gain back .25 credits in math. 
High School Credit Recovery English: Work on material relevant to the subject in order to regain the credit lost during the school year.
High School Credit Recovery Social Studies: Work on material relevant to the subject in order to regain the credit lost during the school year.
High School Credit Recovery Math: Work on material relevant to the subject in order to regain the credit lost during the school year.
High School Credit Recovery Science: Work on material relevant to the subject in order to regain the credit lost during the school year.