1. Overview of UCASA


The Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault engages individuals and organizations in local and statewide collaborations to strengthen the effectiveness of sexual violence education, prevention and response in Utah.


UCASA, originally the Coalition of Advocates for Utah Survivors’ Empowerment (CAUSE), was established in 1996 with federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) funding as a statewide coordinating coalition of rape crisis providers and a response to a critical lack of communication and continuity among sexual violence service providers throughout the state.

Our ability and willingness to collaborate with key agencies and organizations have directly contributed to the expansion and improvement of victim services throughout the state. The rape recovery programs in Utah have seen improvements in victim services because of the combined efforts of the Utah Department of Health and UCASA. This partnership has tripled the number of programs for survivors of sexual violence in Utah since 1996 (from four to twelve).

Through concerted efforts, UCASA is enabled to work across the state to advance primary prevention by exploring issues and highlight efforts to stop sexual violence before it starts, engage men in preventing sexual violence and build upon the strengths of the anti-sexual violence movement, public health, and other prevention efforts to create social change.

For additional information or if you have questions, please contact us at info@ucasa.org or (801) 746-0404.