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The Southwest Michigan Planning Commission welcomes and encourages comments on the draft Benton Harbor and St. Joseph urbanized area (TwinCATS) 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan. Please submit comments or questions about the draft plan below:

The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is an evaluation of the current status and future needs of our transportation system. The LRTP includes anticipated improvements and details transportation projects for all modes of travel over the next 20 – 30 years, including streets and highways, public transportation/transit, railroad, freight, aviation and bicycle and pedestrian needs that are regionally significant providing a vision of how the transportation network will function in the future.

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* 1. Please share your comments, suggestions, and concerns here 

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* 2. Please indicate your resident city, village, or township and zip code below.


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* 3. This information is not required, however if you would like us to follow-up with you regarding your comments or future meetings we must have your email.

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* 4. If you would like one of our staff members to follow up with you by phone, please provide your phone number below:

Thank you for taking the time to fill this out. We appreciate your input.
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