The Weekly Genealogist Survey, August 10, 2022
This week’s survey asks about libraries. Please choose all that apply.
At least one of my ancestors or relatives was a librarian or worked in a library.
I am or was a librarian, or worked in a library in another capacity.
I volunteer, or have volunteered, for a library or library friends group.
When I was a child, I regularly visited the library.
I use my public library on a regular basis.
I use my public library on an occasional basis.
I have visited a library for research purposes in the last year, or plan to visit one in the next year.
I use online resources provided by libraries at least once a year.
I have a connection to libraries not mentioned above.
I haven’t been in a library in years.
I currently have no connection to libraries.
Current Progress,
0 of 1 answered