The Weekly Genealogist Survey, January 19, 2022
Did any of your ancestors or relatives have a book-related job or career?
Yes, at least one of my ancestors or relatives wrote books or contributed to books.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors or relatives worked in the publishing industry in an editorial, management, or sales capacity.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors or relatives worked in the physical creation of books—as a book binder or typesetter, at a printing press, or in a factory related to the production of books.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors or relatives worked in a bookstore.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors or relatives sold encyclopedias or other books door-to-door or in another non-store environment.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors or relatives was a librarian or worked in a library.
Yes, at least one of my ancestors or relatives had a book-related job or career not mentioned above.
No, none of my ancestors had a book-related job or career.
Current Progress,
0 of 1 answered