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Welcome to the 2023 survey.

Complete la encuesta en español aquí.

Thanks for taking a few minutes to share your feedback about the Truckee/Tahoe trail network. You should know - we truly value your input, and we use your insights, ideas, and preferences to shape our trail strategy and priorities.

With that, let's get started. Please answer the 14 survey questions on this year's topic: Paved trails and bike lane safety.

For each of the following questions, please respond with your experience using paved trails and bike lanes during the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter periods.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following paved trails do you use? (Select all that apply)

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* 2. For which of the following activities do you use the paved trails?

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* 3. Collectively, how frequently do you use any of the paved trails?

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* 4. How frequently do you experience the following inappropriate or dangerous paved trail use?

Not at all
2 3
4 5
Very frequently
Excessive bike speed
Bikers not sharing the paved trail
Dogs out of control
Dog waste not cleaned up
Pedestrians (walkers, hikers, runners) not sharing the paved trail
Other issues

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* 5. Do you have ideas to help address the following paved trail use issues?

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* 6. Bike lanes are the portion of some of Truckee's public roads preferentially or exclusively reserved for cyclists and indicated by striping, signage, and pavement markings.

How often do you use bike lanes?

  Daily A few times a week A few times a month A few times a year Never N/A
I use bike lanes for recreation
I use bike lanes for commuting to/from work

Question Title

* 7. How frequently do you experience any of the following safety concerns when using bike lanes in Truckee?

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
Cars parked in bike lanes
Cracks or potholes in the pavement of the bike lane
Motorists encroaching on the the bike lane while moving
Pedestrians walking in bike lanes

Question Title

* 8. Are there any specific locations where you have experienced bike lane safety issues?
If possible, please include road/route number of the road, and the specific location, if appropriate.

These final demographic questions are optional. However, if you choose to answer your responses help us understand and serve the needs of different populations. 

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* 9. Tell us about yourself! Which of the following best describes your frequency of residence in the Truckee/Tahoe region?

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* 10. What is your age?

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* 11. What is your gender?

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* 12. Do you have any access needs or disability accommodations? 
Choose all that apply

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* 13. What is your zip code?

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* 14. Survey respondents have a chance to win one of ten (coveted) Truckee Trails Foundation t-shirts. If you'd like to be included in this drawing, please provide your contact information below.

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