A Request from the Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio Broadcasters' Associations.

We want your input! 

 Our associations know that the needs of our radio station members are diverse, just like the membership itself.  But small and medium market radio managers and other station personnel face particular challenges to keep their operations running efficiently and profitably, recruit new talent, follow FCC regulations, and effectively plan for the future.  That’s why the IBA, KBA and OAB are considering staging a joint event in 2019 to bring together some of the best and the brightest minds for our member stations, and provide an opportunity for networking and sharing.

 We want your ideas and input to help us in planning this event and would appreciate you taking a few minutes to share your feedback on this brief survey.

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* 1. Please indicate to which broadcast association you belong:

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* 2. Would you be interested in attending a radio summit for small & medium markets?

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* 3. If so, what time of year would be best for the summit?

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* 4. What is your biggest day-to-day challenge as a station operating in a small or medium-sized market?

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* 5. What is your biggest concern as you think about your station in five years?

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* 6. Are there specific speakers or presentations you've seen in the last few years that would be good for this summit?

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* 7. Would you prefer that the summit program be focused primarily on owners and general managers at radio stations, or would you like us to include some sessions for sales staff?

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* 8. Any other comments or suggestions?