The Tractors for Agriculture in the Classroom project invites farmers from across Virginia to choose one piece of equipment to track hours driven from March –November (or a time period of the individual’s choosing) and pledge a gift to Agriculture in the Classroom for every hour driven.  Individuals not actively engaged in farming who wish to support the project may make a pledge per mile driven in a truck or other vehicle.  Each individual who pledges support will receive a t-shirt as a token of recognition and thanks from Agriculture in the Classroom.  Equipment and vehicle dealers may elect to match pledges to a certain level, multiplying the impact of each farmer’s gift and ultimately having a huge impact on educating Virginia’s children about our largest and most important industry: agriculture!
Thank you to our sponsors:

Corporate sponsorships are available.
Learn more about the Virginia Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom at
Questions can be directed to or 804.290.1034.

Question Title

* 1. How would you like to register for the 2017 Tractors for AITC pledge campaign?