TMM - The Mortgage Mag - is running a little survey to find out what are the big issue facing mortgage advisers. TPlease take a moment to complete the survey. You will get a copy of the results and the answers will help TMM deliver top quality information to you.

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* 1. What is your main area of business?

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* 2. What is your designation?

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* 3. Thinking about the biggest issues facing your business, please rank them from most concerning to no concern at all.

  Keeps me awake It is of some concern Mildly concerning Not an issue
Turnaround times
Keeping up with policy changes
Finding new clients
Regulation changes and compliance
Succession planning
Securing finance for property investors
Getting applications arpproved

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* 4. How well informed do you feel you are on proposed changes to the Financial Advisers Act

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* 5. Under the proposed changes AFA, RFA and QFE designations will be replaced. Which one of the new categories will you apply for?

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* 6. Where do you get information about adviser regulation changes?

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* 7. How much do you intend to invest in your own professional development this year?

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* 8. Will the volume of loans settled this financial year (to March 31) be higher than last year?

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* 9. Will the volume of loans settled this year be higher than last year?

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* 10. What percentage of your income is trail commission?

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* 11. Are you satisfied with the amount of mortgage advice education available?

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* 12. Would you be interested in a dedicated one-day mortgage adviser conference?

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* 13. If you would like to see the results of this survey please add your details here