Prioritizing Our Future

This survey has been developed to gather information about member perspectives on our Nation and our priorities for the future. The results will be used to inform planning and development efforts to strengthen the foundation of our Nation. Please try to answer all questions to the best of your ability. Your individual response will be confidential.

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. Where do you live?

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* 4. What is the highest level of school that you have completed?

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* 5. What do you think are the most important issues we are dealing with as a Nation? Please rank them in order of importance with 1 being the most important and 6 being the least important. We know all of them are important but trying to prioritize to focus our energy.

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* 6. What issue are facing us that were not included in the last question?

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* 7. What three things do you think make our community a good place to live?

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* 8. What do you think would make our community an even better place to live?

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* 9. Overall, how would you rate the quality of life within the Tl'azt'en Nation?

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* 10. What should we do to ensure our Nation develops in a healthy and prosperous way? PLEASE PICK TOP 3.

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* 11. How should we continue to "engage" with our members and each other, both those who live in the territory and those who live away from the territory? Please choose your top 3.

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* 12. If you would like to be communicated with in another way not listed in the last question, how would you like to be communicated with?

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* 13. How important do you feel each of the following goals are to the development of our community?

  Not important Somewhat important Don't know Important Most important
ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE: To raise and secure the Departmental resources necessary for the effective fiscal and administrative management of our government.
HEALTH: To establish emotional, physical, spiritual and mental services that achieves Dakelh survival, dignity and well-being
NATURAL RESOURCES: To develop priorities and strategies for the protection, development and use of our land, territories and other resources.
EDUCATION: To ensure every learner will succeed through Leadership in Education, Advocacy and the Recognition of New possibilities
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: To create and deliver meaningful programs and services for all individuals and families to achieve greater health and independence
PUBLIC WORKS & HOUSING: To ensure that we have safe, reliable and sustainable infrastructure available to promote healthy families & communities
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: To create opportunities to enhance the economic well-being of our communities.

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* 14. Do you feel that there are other goals we should be focusing on?

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* 15. If you think there are other goals we should be focusing on, what should they be?

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* 16. What do you feel our community priorities should be regarding administration and finance? PLEASE CHOOSE TOP 3. We realize all are important but want to prioritize.

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* 17. What do you feel our community priorities should be regarding health? PLEASE CHOOSE TOP 3. We realize all of these are important but want to prioritize.

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* 18. What do you feel our community priorities should be regarding natural resources? PLEASE CHOOSE TOP 3. We realize all of these are important but want to prioritize.

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* 19. What do you feel our community priorities should be regarding education? PLEASE CHOOSE TOP 3. We realize all of these are important but want to prioritize.

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* 20. What do you feel our community priorities should be regarding social development? PLEASE CHOOSE TOP 3. We realize all of these are important but want to prioritize.

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* 21. What do you feel our community priorities should be regarding public works and housing. PLEASE CHOOSE TOP 3. We realize all of these are important but want to prioritize.

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* 22. What do you feel our community priorities should be regarding economic development? PLEASE CHOOSE TOP 3. We realize all of these are important but want to prioritize.

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* 23. Do you have any other comments?

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* 24. Optional: Name and Contact Information

Thank you!