Please take a moment to answer these questions about your preferences for TLARGI's 2020 golf tournaments.

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* 1. Your name:

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* 2. Would you like TLARGI to continue booking golf opportunities?

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* 3. With regards to the frequency of tournaments, do you think we have...

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* 4. With regards to the start and end times, do you prefer...

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* 5. Usually we have tournaments on Mondays. Would you prefer a different day of the week?

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* 6. If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, what day of the week would you prefer we schedule the golf tournaments?

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* 7. With regards to how we start our tournaments, do you prefer...

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* 8. TLARGI Golf Club is a member of Southern California Golf Club. This allows us to have GHIN handicap indexes. Is this important to you?

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* 9. Do you prefer free refreshments on the course as part of the tournament?

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* 10. How would you feel about prepaying for the year's golf tournaments?

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* 11. Additional comments: