Question Title

* 1. Which unit did you just complete? (Choose one)

Question Title

* 2. Which section are you in? (Choose one)

Answer the following questions in terms of the social-emotional content of the unit.  This includes the video, the discussion of the videos, and the overall topic of the unit.

Question Title

* 3. Use the given scale for the next four questions.

  Disagree Slightly Disagree Neutral Slightly Agree Agree
The topic is relevant to my life.
I was engaged by the video.
I learned new information about this topic.
I learned new ways to discuss this topic.

Question Title

* 4. Use the given scale for the next four questions.

  Never Once or twice Three or four times Five or more times
Since participating in this unit, I have discussed the information with friends/peers.
Since participating in this unit, I have discussed the unit with my parents/guardians.
Since participating in this unit, I have discussed the information with other teachers.
Since participating in this unit, I have discussed the information with a counselor or other support staff at school.
Answer the following questions in terms of the art or music activity or project about the topic.

Question Title

* 5. Use the given scale for the next four questions.

  Disagree Slightly Disagree Neutral Slightly Agree Agree
The art/music project connected well to the topic.
I was engaged in the project.
I learned new information in the arts.
I learned new ways to discuss the art form.

Question Title

* 6. Use the given scale for the next four questions.

  Never Once or twice Three or four times Five or more times
Since participating in this unit, I have discussed the art or music project with friends/peers.
Since participating in this unit, I have discussed the art or music project with my parents/guardians.
Since participating in this unit, I have discussed the art or music project with other teachers.
Since participating in this unit, I have discussed the art or music project with a counselor or other support staff at school.

Question Title

* 7. Please use the box below to write other comments regarding the Unit.