Thank you so much for taking the time to take this survey. Your perspective will help us learn as an organization and the broader field as we work to transform government to improve community outcomes.

This survey has three parts:
  1. Tell us about the project
  2. Tell us how your Third Sector team did
  3. Tell us about you

Please answer the questions as they relate to the work you did with Third Sector on your recent project. This survey should take you around 15 minutes at most to complete.

We will reference an outcomes approach a few times through out the survey. An outcomes-focused approach includes:

  • Using disaggregated data to drive decision-making to improve community outcomes continuously
  • Engaging stakeholder's perspectives and experiences to improve services and programs
  • Moving services and program implementation away from compliance to supporting partners in achieving improved outcomes
  • Seeking to breakdown silos between agencies and departments to make services and programs more responsive to the needs of communities
  • Use tools like human-centered design and root cause analysis to ensure our solutions reflect the community's needs
Tell us about the project
Please answer the questions below to help us assess our project impact.

Question Title

* 1. Please select improvements to your team/organization as a result of working with Third Sector.

Question Title

* 2. If you selected none or other, please elaborate on your answer below.