
Each year ISPCAN identifies a cutting edge issue through its ISPCAN Thinking Space that impacts child maltreatment globally. This year, ISPCAN has identified violence against children in cyberspace as a key theme for the year 2017. ISPCAN would like to sincerely thank you for taking part in ISPCAN’s annual survey and contributing to the Thinking Space. We invite you to  share your valuable professional knowledge and experience with the world community of people whose mission is to help prevent child abuse. Kindly spend a few minutes to answer the following questions and provide as much information as possible for your region.

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* 1. Are you aware of any specific incident/s of a child or children being harmed while accessing the internet in your region/county? If yes, kindly describe the incident/s and its impacts and what happened to the child/children involved in this incident?

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* 2. How did the policy makers/families/communities approach this incident?

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* 3. Did this incident result in formulation of any new policies or change to an existing policy?

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* 4. Are you aware of any law or policy in your region and/or country that is specific to protecting children from harm through their access to the internet?

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* 5. If you answered yes to the above question #4, do you believe this law/policy is sufficient? If not why?

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* 6. How could this law/policy be strengthened?

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* 7. What are the educational and awareness creation materials and prevention programs that you are aware of aimed at protecting children online and reducing the risk of harm in your country/region?

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* 8. What evidence base exists for the educational and awareness creation materials (mentioned in item 7) aimed at protecting children online and reducing the risk of harm in your country/region?

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* 9. Describe the participation of children (if any) in the development of educational and awareness creation materials and programs (mentioned in item 7) in your country/region aimed at protecting children online.

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* 10. Describe the participation of parents/caregivers in the development of
educational and awareness creation materials and programs (mentioned in item 7)
in your country/region aimed at protecting children online.

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* 11. Kindly provide us information about your background

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* 12. Are you involved in child protection work either by profession or as a volunteer or as a researcher? If yes, briefly describe the nature of your work:

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* 13. Do you have any additional information about your region that may assist with our study?

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* 14. If you have further data or comments that you wish to share, please contact  If you would like to be directly contacted for any clarification of your responses, please feel free to leave us your contact in the box below.  It is not required.  Thank you again for your time.