The Role of the Working Dad Question Title * 1. Since becoming a dad, have you made any changes to your working life to accommodate family life? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 2. If you checked yes to question 1, what changes have you made? Question Title * 3. Do you feel supported by your company as a working dad? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 4. Has your manager proactively supported you as a working dad? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 5. How much paternity leave did you take? (state for your youngest child if you have taken more than one) 2 weeks Less than 2 weeks Longer than 2 weeks I didn't take any paternity leave Question Title * 6. In 2015, the introduction of Shared Parental Leave means that in addition to paternity leave, you could share your time at home with the baby’s mother and take extended leave. If you had/have a newborn baby, would you consider taking extra time off for the first year to do this? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 7. If you checked ‘no’ or 'not sure' to question 6, what would prevent you from taking this extra leave? Question Title * 8. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience as a working dad? Done