The Weekly Genealogist Survey, December 9, 2020
This week’s survey asks about architectural features in your house and your ancestors’ houses. More than one option can be selected.
I live in or lived in a house with a laundry chute.
I know that at least one of my ancestors (including parents and grandparents) lived in a house with a laundry chute.
I live in or lived in a house with a dumbwaiter.
I know that at least one of my ancestors (including parents and grandparents) lived in a house with a dumbwaiter.
I live in or lived in a house with a hidden compartment or a hidden room.
I know that at least one of my ancestors (including parents and grandparents) lived in a house with a hidden compartment or a hidden room.
I live in or lived in a house with a special architectural feature not mentioned above.
I know that at least one of my ancestors (including parents and grandparents) lived in a house with a special architectural feature not mentioned above.
I have not lived in a house with any special architectural features.
I am not aware of any of my ancestors having lived in a house with special architectural features.
I don’t know.
Current Progress,
0 of 1 answered