Section 1 of 3: The Food Depot

In our 30th year, The Food Depot is taking time to reflect and listen to our community. We want to hear your thoughts on our food bank services and our path forward. Your responses will remain completely anonymous, and we thank you for your time and your passion for Northern New Mexico's food bank.

The entire survey is twenty questions —divided into three sections. We encourage you to answer all questions, but only the first two are required. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes.

The first section of the survey focuses on your general thoughts and involvement with The Food Depot.

Thank you again for your time and valuable feedback.

Question Title

* 1. You are connected to The Food Depot as a...
Please check all that apply.

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* 2. How long have you known The Food Depot in this role?

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* 3. Where do you currently find out most of your information on The Food Depot's distributions, programs, updates, advocacy, etc.?

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* 4. Below is a list of The Food Depot's current programs. Rank the programs below in order of the program you are most familiar with (1) to least familiar with (8).

This question will help us understand how to inform our community about hunger-relief programming.

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* 5. How can we improve our community awareness around The Food Depot's programs, events, and/or food distributions?

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* 6. Rate your confidence in The Food Depot's current ability to provide food and resources to communities across Northern New Mexico.

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* 7. Explain how supporting The Food Depot as a partner, volunteer, or donor brings you joy. Please be as specific as possible.