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Tell us about your virtual teaching experience

Many teachers needed to discover how to use virtual platforms to deliver lessons and what kinds of materials they could use or create for the students they couldn’t reach that way. The learning curve for teachers, parents, and students has been steep and rocky. Some had tools to succeed better than others. Regardless of the level at which they succeeded, their efforts have been heroic.

At DFSME, we would like Delaware teachers to help us acquire the data we need in order to help create appropriate policies in Delaware for moving forward. We need to advocate for the kinds of professional learning and materials that will ensure that every teacher can meet the challenges of the coming school year, in both physical and virtual environments. We need to do all we can to ensure that every child – regardless of circumstance – has equitable access to excellent STEM education. 

Please visit our website to learn more about us:

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* 1. Have you received training on how to use Schoology?

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* 3. What other learning or communication platforms did you use?

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* 10. Please consider each item below and rate it in terms how great a barrier to success it was. Rate them from 1, indicating that it was a major barrier, to 5, indicating that it was not a barrier at all.

  1 2 3 4 5
Your own internet access
Students’ internet access
Your own access to devices
Students’ access to devices
Professional training on how to use online technology
Professional training on how to adapt curriculum to online platforms
Conflicts with your own family responsibilities
Conflicts with student availability
Maintaining student engagement during virtual classes
Ability to reach students with special needs
Other (please note in comment section below)

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* 11. If an option is given to you to be an online teacher rather than a classroom teacher, how likely are you to pursue that opportunity?

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* 12. If classes continue to be held remotely, what do you feel you need in order to be successful?

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* 13. Do you have any other comments or concerns?

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* 14. SUCCESSES - Do you have any success stories you would like to share? We would like to share your story at our STEM Equity Conference in October and would love to talk to you. Please enter the best way for us to contact you or send your story to us

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