Hello Educators!

The NEW VICTORY® Theater, located in New York City, is seeking your support to help us learn more about what teachers like you look for in performing arts education resources.

NEW VICTORY Theater believes that extraordinary performing arts should be a vital part of everyone’s life from the earliest years onwards. For nearly 30 years, the NEW VICTORY Education department has partnered with schools in the NYC metropolitan area to support their goals for incorporating the performing arts into their curriculum through our nationally recognized NEW VICTORY®  Education Partnership program. Since 1995, over 650,000 students have viewed productions from around the world on the New Victory stage. New Victory Education provides:

  • teacher resource guides and instructional videos
  • classroom workshops and residencies
  • teacher professional development
The NEW VICTORY Digital Services department is collaborating with the NEW VICTORY Education Department to build an online resource for all educators. That is where you come in. Please complete this anonymous survey which will take approximately 15-20 minutes to help us better understand what teachers would find useful in a performing arts resource site. Deadline: Wednesday June 14th.

While this is an anonymous survey, as a thank you, we would like to enter you in a drawing to win one of three $100 Mastercard® Gift Cards. Please indicate your name and email address at the end of the survey for your chance to win. Thank you in advance for your time and we look forward to receiving your feedback!