
The Tasmanian Arboretum has the world's largest collection of Tasmanian living woody plants, some Southern Hemisphere Conifers and plants from northern hemisphere forests in an extensive park.

In addition to enjoying such a park containing a living tree collection; associated activities such as platypus and bird watching, a range of activities and options are on offer including education programs, facility hire, guided tours, group bookings, kiosk/cafe, and community events.

All of this has been developed and managed by the local community with extensive volunteer input.

The Tasmanian Arboretum Board of Management are seeking input into the future of the Arboretum.  We would like your ideas on how we can improve the facility so that we can continue our mission to develop an arboretum of international standard for the benefit of flora, fauna, residents and visitors alike.  Comments and ideas will assist in shaping a strategic plan for the Arboretum.

Question Title

* 1. How satisfactory were the following elements of your visit to the Arboretum?

  Unsatisfactory Somewhat satisfactory Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Exceptional No opinion
Overall quality of experience
Value for money
Assistance from volunteers / customer service (if relevant)
Available facilities
Access to flora and fauna
Signage - for directions and general information
Signage - about the park (interpreting flora, fauna, history etc)