Question Title

* 1. Are you a subscriber to the print or digital edition of the magazine?

Question Title

* 2. If you answered yes, how long have you been a subscriber to the magazine?

Question Title

* 3. How often do you visit the website? 

Question Title

* 4. What degree of interest do you have in reading about the following issue areas?

  Strong interest Moderate interest Little interest No interest
Politics/political campaigns
Civil liberties
Foreign policy
Fiscal issues (e.g., debt/deficit)
Political economy (e.g., crony capitalism, financial reform, monopolies, regulation)
Social/religious issues
New Urbanism
Book reviews, film, media, fine arts

Question Title

* 5. What degree of interest do you have in reading the following TAC contributors?

  Strong interest Moderate interest Little interest No interest
Rod Dreher
Daniel Larison
Scott McConnell
Kelley Vlahos
Robert Merry
Mark Perry
Andrew Bacevich
Ted Carpenter
Pat Buchanan
Gracy Olmstead
Jonathan Tepper
Jim Antle
Barbara Boland
Curt Mills

Question Title

* 6. What topic(s) would you most like to see TAC increase its coverage of in the coming year? [select all that apply]

Question Title

* 7. Have you encountered New Urbanism content in The American Conservative or on the TAC website (for example, "The Big-Box Mirage" and "The Fury of the Modernists," etc.)? [select one]

Question Title

* 8. If you answered yes to the above question, how has New Urbanism content shaped your opinion of New Urbanism, traditional development, and related issues? [select one]

Question Title

* 9. How have your views on America’s relationship with Russia been influenced by TAC’s coverage of that issue? [select one]

Question Title

* 10. Do you think President Trump was right to withdraw from Iran nuclear deal and exert 'maximum pressure' through sanctions on Iran?

Question Title

* 11. How should the United States respond to the crisis in Venezuela? [select one]

Question Title

* 12. Should the Trump administration discontinue assistance in the civil war in Yemen? [select one]

Question Title

* 13. Do you approve of President Trump’s North Korea strategy, including his step into North Korean territory with Kim Jong-un and his desire to bring the regime into the community of nations? [select one]

Question Title

* 14. How should the United States respond to China’s growing economic and military prominence? [select one]

Question Title

* 15. Should the United States withdraw from NATO? [select one]

Question Title

* 16. Do you approve of President Trump’s NATO strategy, including his desire to make our allies pay more for their defense? [select one]

Question Title

* 17. How has reading The American Conservative influenced your foreign policy views, overall? [select one]

Question Title

* 18. How have your views of religious liberty been influenced by TAC’s coverage of that issue?

Question Title

* 19. How has your view of the relationship between faith and public life been influenced by TAC’s coverage of that issue? [select one]

Question Title

* 20. Have you encountered "Crony Capitalism" content in The American Conservative or on the TAC website (for example, “Green New Cronyism" and "Making the World Safe for Oligopoly,” etc.)? [select one]

Question Title

* 21. If you answered yes to the above question, how has our content shaped your opinion of crony capitalism, corporate welfare, and related issues? [select one]

Question Title

* 22. Have you encountered "Economic Concentration" content in The American Conservative or on the TAC website (for example, “The Conservative Case for Antitrust" and "America’s Monopoly Crisis Hits the Military,” etc.)? [select one]

Question Title

* 23. If you answered yes to the above question, how has our content shaped your opinion of economic concentration, antitrust enforcement, entrepreneurship, and related issues? [select one]

Question Title

* 24. What are your views on free trade and globalization? [select one]

Question Title

* 25. How have your views on the current trade wars been influenced by TAC’s coverage of those issues? [select one]

Question Title

* 26. How should we address the budget deficit? [select all that apply]

Question Title

* 27. How have your views on immigration been influenced by TAC’s coverage of that issue? [select one]

Question Title

* 28. What do you believe is the most effective strategy to reform our immigration system? [select all that apply]

Question Title

* 29. Should the federal government take a more active role in encouraging family formation through programs like paid family leave? [select one]

Question Title

* 30. How have your views on family policy been influenced by TAC’s coverage of that issue (i.e., "Towards a Pro-Worker, Pro-Family Conservatism")? [select one]

Question Title

* 31. How have your views on prison reform been influenced by TAC’s coverage of that issue? [select one]

Question Title

* 32. What are your views on President Trump's controversial telephone conversation with the Ukrainian president?

Question Title

* 33. Should President Trump be impeached for his actions on his telephone call with the Ukrainian president?

Question Title

* 34. Have you donated to The American Conservative/American Ideas Institute? [select one]

Question Title

* 35. Have you attended a TAC-sponsored event (for example: annual gala, crony capitalism conference, foreign policy conference) in the past year?

Question Title

* 36. Do you follow TAC on Social Media? [select one]

Question Title

* 37. If you follow TAC on social media, which platforms do you follow us on? [select all that apply]

Question Title

* 38. What types of TAC articles articles/blogs are you most likely to share with friends? [select all that apply]

Question Title

* 39. For whom did you vote in the 2016 presidential election? [select one]

Question Title

* 40. How satisfied are you will the current presidential administration? [select one]

Question Title

* 42. Which one of the following best describes your political viewpoint? [select one]

Question Title

* 43. Under which political party are you registered to vote? [select one]

Question Title

* 44. How often do you usually attend church/synagogue/a worship service? [select one]

Question Title

* 45. What is your age? [select one]

Question Title

* 46. What is your gender? [select one]

Question Title

* 47. In which state (or country if not in the U.S.) do you live?

Question Title

* 48. What is the population of the town/city where you live? [select one]

Question Title

* 49. What is the highest level of education you have completed? [select one]

Question Title

* 50. What best describes your occupation and position? [select one]

Question Title

* 51. What best describes your marital status? [select one]

Question Title

* 52. What is total combined annual income of all members of your household before taxes? [select one]

Question Title

* 53. What is your houshold’s total net worth? [select one]

Question Title

* 54. If you would like to be entered into a drawing for a $150 Visa gift card, please provide your email address and phone number. Contact information will be kept separate from survey responses to ensure anonymity and all information will be kept strictly confidential. Please note that winner will be initially notified by phone. See contest rules.

Question Title

* 55. Additional comments/feedback