Question Title

* 1.
Please Complete:

Question Title

* 2.
Describe in detail your Creative Event ONLY. Include the traffic safety topic your event addressed, how you used the Save Your Tailgate theme and artwork, how many club members/students were involved in developing and implementing the event (give a number value), when the event took place, how many students participated in or saw/heard the event, how the event was creative, what school or donated resources were used, any results you measured or observed through surveys, pledges, etc., and any other information to make your event clear to the judging panel. Any and all photos, videos, media coverage, and/or other materials that help explain the event should be sent Mary King at or shared via the method you indicated above.

Question Title

* 3. Please provide a numbered list of up to 15 Call to Action activities and programs your club completed for this campaign aside from the Creative Event. Be sure to include your most creative activities and programs first. (Remember even simple activities count including making announcements, displaying posters, banners, etc.) If your school completed more than 15 activities you may list them, but ONLY the FIRST 15 activities will be counted in judging.
Your numbered list should look like this example:
1. Created our own Buckle Up posters and displayed them around the school
2. Passed out the mini stress reliever footballs we received from YOVASO
3. Hosted a tailgate party before one of our football games

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* 4. Briefly describe how the campaign materials were used and give an estimated number of bookmarks and "buckle up" reminder cards distributed. If you made or used other materials, briefly describe the item and how many of each were distributed.

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* 5. Student Leadership:

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* 6. Student Participation:

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* 7. Creative Event Reach:

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* 8. Total Reach: 

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* 9. Overall Rating:
Please rate the peer-to-peer Save Your Tailgate campaign provided by the YOVASO Staff based on its quality, creativity, ease of implementation, and engagement of the teen audience.
*Please note you are rating the campaign, materials, and resources provided by YOVASO, not your club's participation.

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* 10. Survey Wrap Up: