Dear Students:

In an effort to gather student views from SVHS, we are asking you to complete this survey.   We hope that you will answer the questions honestly and sincerely. Please know that we will be looking at your responses and using them as we work to make the educational experience at SVHS better and more successful for you.  The vision of SVHS is to provide the best possible education, in a safe, orderly, and supportive environment that challenges all students to achieve their full potential.  The results of this survey will help us continue to work towards our school vision. 


SVHS Staff

Question Title

* 1. This year I am in ____ grade.

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* 2. I identify as:

Question Title

* 3. My race/ethnicity is:

Question Title

* 4. I have an IEP

Question Title

* 5. I am enrolled in an ELD (English Language Development) class.

Question Title

* 6. For questions 6 though 17, for how many of your classes are the following statements true. 

I believe my grades reflect how well I understand the material I learn in class.

Question Title

* 7. I understand how points and scores are earned for assignments and homework.

Question Title

* 8. I understand how my semester grade is calculated.

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* 9. I am capable of earning a passing grade of C- or higher in all of my classes.

Question Title

* 10. If I don't complete my homework, I will not pass the class. 

Question Title

* 11. The grades I earn motivate me to learn.

Question Title

* 12. Teachers use a variety of ways to give students feedback such as grades, comments, corrections on tests, and the use of rubrics. In general the feedback I receive in my classes is enough and helps me to learn.

Question Title

* 13. Extra credit is offered to improve my grades.

Question Title

* 14. Do you walk away from your classes each day knowing what you have learned?

Question Title

* 15. My teachers frequently check in with me to see if I understand the content of a lesson.

Question Title

* 16. My teachers use some type of activity (Ex: Quiz, Exit Ticket, Warm-Up Question) to check to see if I understand the content of the lesson. 

Question Title

* 17. When I am struggling with the material I feel comfortable going to my teacher for help

Question Title

* 18. For the following question please check all that apply. Homework is used to.....

Question Title

* 19. For the following question please check all that apply. Which of the following should be included in my grade?

Question Title

* 20. I check my grades online.

Question Title

* 21. My parent/guardian checks my grades online.

Question Title

* 22. I take the feedback I receive from my teachers and use it to improve my work.

Question Title

* 23. Based on your experience in both Distance Learning and normal school, which of the following applies to you.  Select one.

Question Title

* 24. My grades are:

Question Title

* 25. Please explain your answer above: _____________________

Question Title

* 26. For the following question please check all that apply 

Besides your teachers, what are some other places that you go for academic support when you need it?

Question Title

* 27. Are you planning on completing the A-G requirements by the time you graduate from high school?

Question Title

* 28. If I have a career interest in mind, for that career I would need to get

Question Title

* 29. I think the classes I am taking right now are preparing me for my career goals.

Question Title

* 30. I believe that I can take any class at any level at SVHS and be successful

Question Title

* 31. I put forth my best effort in the classes I take

Question Title

* 32. If you answer Sometimes or Never please explain. _________________

Question Title

* 33. My parents/guardians are familiar with what is going on with me in my classes

Question Title

* 34. I am encouraged to take any class that I want at SVHS.

Question Title

* 35. For the following question please check all that apply 
I receive my encouragement from:

Question Title

* 36. For the following question please check all that apply 
I get my information about opportunities available to me and school events from the following.

Question Title

* 37. If there was one thing you could change about SVHS what would it be? Please explain your answer. ________________