Introduction to Feedback Loop 1 Survey.

Thank you for completing this Feedback Loop 1 Survey for the co-design of the St Vincent's Hospital Safe Haven. 

The purpose of Feedback Loop 1 is to:
Provide context of the co-design process
Make sure we have captured what has been shared during the initial round of co-design activities
Gather broader views and experiences
Explore what is missing
Help prepare for the next round of co-design activities
These initial co-design activities involved a co-design session with people with lived experience, and focus group conversations with local health professionals.

In these sessions, we walked through the experience of a person seeking support through the hospital emergency department (ED). We explored a person's feelings, the reasons why they felt that way and what needs they had at each stage (finding, arrival and initial assessment, waiting, treatment, leaving). For Health Professionals, we explored the experience of supporting someone through this process.

We also started to capture the draft values and principles of your safe space, along with your ideas for what your safe haven should involve.

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* 1. From which perspective will you be predominantly coming to this co-design?

Note: your answer to this question will route you to either the lived experience or health professionals survey.