Sustainable Jamestown Survey

Sustainable Jamestown will be an action plan with concrete steps we can all take as a community to ensure that what we love about Jamestown is still here for future generations. By taking this survey, you are helping the Town understand what Jamestowners care most about, which will shape what issues are addressed in this action plan.

For more information, visit

Question Title

* 1. What are the three things you value most about Jamestown? Think about places, events, character, traditions, or any other aspects of Jamestown that you’d like to be around 20, 50 or more years from now.

Question Title

* 2. What are the biggest future threats to your responses in question #1? Please check all that apply, or write in your own thoughts.

Question Title

* 3. Communities may define sustainability in different ways.  Please tell us what it means to you, as a Jamestowner.  Below are commonly addressed topics in community sustainability plans.

On a scale of 0 to 5, please note how important you think it will be for Sustainable Jamestown to address each topic, with 1 representing a very low priority and 5 representing a very high priority. Zero will indicate that you think the topic should not be included.

  0 1 2 3 4 5
Climate Change/Sea-Level Rise
Cost of Living
Energy Conservation/Renewable Energy at the Town Level
Energy Conservation/Renewable Energy for Individual Homes and Businesses
Access to Fresh and Healthy Foods
Maintaining Pride of Place/Community Character
Socioeconomic Diversity
Diversity of Jobs in Jamestown
Conservation of Drinking Water
Viability of Local Shops and Services
Housing Diversity and Affordability
High Quality Public Education
Recreational Opportunities, Parks, Beaches, Bike Paths, etc.
Conservation of Forests, Farms, and Open Space
Historic Preservation

Question Title

* 4. A sustainable future depends on more than just government action – all of us need to do our part. What sorts of things might you be willing to do to preserve Jamestown’s quality of life into the future? (Please mark ‘yes’ ‘no’ ‘maybe’)

  Yes Maybe No
Volunteer for a local board, commission, or non-profit organization
Make changes in energy and water consumption in your home or business
Champion a local project that will help Jamestown become more sustainable (for example, a new bike path, preserving a farm or other natural space, be an advocate for historic preservation, etc…)
Help raise funds for resilient infrastructure projects (protecting roads and bridges from floods, expanding the Town’s safe drinking water infrastructure, etc.)
Pay more in taxes to support resilient infrastructure projects
Vocally support housing that is affordable to seniors on a fixed income or working families
Commit to shopping locally in Jamestown whenever possible
Talk to and educate your neighbors and friends about sustainability