Your Organizational Commitment

At our July Coalition meeting, Shape Up SF shared our strategic plan that outlines our strategies and action steps for the next three years. This plan is based on a Collective Impact model or working together on a common agenda to achieve social change. In order for this model to work, we need to establish a shared measurement.

Please fill out the following brief survey to indicate your organization's commitment/pledge to moving forward one or more of Shape Up SF's priorities.

Shape Up SF Coalition's priorities are to:

1. Increase access to healthy food
2. Increase opportunities for physical activity
3. Decrease consumption of sugary drinks.

We look forward to working with you to ensure that all San Franciscans have access to healthy eating and active living where they live, work, learn and play.

Together, we can turn the curve.

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* 1. Please provide the following information.

Shape Up SF Coalition has 3 priorities. You will have an opportunity to complete the following questions if you work in more than one priority area.

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* 2. Please select a priority area.

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* 3. Given the priority area you just selected, who are your customers?

Customers are the people whose lives are affected by your effort. Customers can include populations (e.g. Latinos youth) or others you are trying to influence (e.g. policy makers).

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* 4. How can you measure if your customers are better off? Identify 1 or 2 "quantity/effect" measures.

(Example: # of organizations adopting SSB policies or # of children and parents with increased SSB knowledge)

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* 5. How can you measure your effort? Identify 1-2 measures.

(Example - How much did you DO? # of trainings or outreach events. % of training participants that rated training favorably.)

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* 6. List the activities that you pledge to undertake to contribute to "turning the curve" on the measures you have identified. Estimate your time frame for implementation, assuming all barriers and resource needs are addressed.

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* 7. What barriers do you foresee in implementing these activities?

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* 8. What resources do you need to implement the proposed activities?