Sunday Sessions

Question Title

* 1. Enter your full name

Question Title

* 2. Having completed this activity, you are able to discern the right job opportunity, gain more information about today's medical/financial landscape, maximize your training into a successful practice by incorporating minimally invasive therapies, make the most of your call schedule, assess the basics of insurance and coding.

Question Title

* 3. The content of this activity met my educational needs.

Question Title

* 4. The information presented met the identified learning objectives.

Question Title

* 5. This activity presented new ideas or information that I expect to use in my practice.

Question Title

* 6. I am committed to implementing my new competencies and/ or knowledge.

Question Title

* 7. This activity was presented in a fair and unbiased manner.

Question Title

* 8. The speakers demonstrated current knowledge of the topics:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
Jonathan Perley, MD
Polina Reyblat, MD
Jesse Mills, MD
Kymora Scotland, MD

Question Title

* 9. What are you going to change as a result of this activity?

Question Title

* 10. Comments: (Speakers / Moderators / Content / Future topics)