Question Title

* 1. Presenter(s) demonstrated understanding of the topic

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* 2. Training was well organized

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* 3. Training methods were appropriate

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* 4. I left with more knowledge than I came with

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* 5. The information presented will improve my (personal/professional) effectiveness

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* 6. I was satisfied with this training over all

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* 7. Please rate the attainment of the training objective: to define and recognize the sign and symptoms of concussion

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* 8. Please rate the attainment of the training objective: explain the effects of concussion on learning, memory, executive function, behavior, emotion and physical function

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* 9. Please rate the attainment of the training objective: to be able to recognize how the effects of a concussion may change at different ages and stages of development

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* 10. Please rate the attainment of the training objective: to design individualized interventions and accommodations to manage real life impact of concussions

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* 11. Please rate the attainment of the training objective: to learn effective strategies for helping children and youth return to learn and return to play after a concussion

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* 12. What did you like best about this training?

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* 13. If you said "Disagree" on any of the previous ratings, please include comments here.

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* 14. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for future training?

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* 15. Don't miss out! Add your name and email address here to be added to our e-newsletter list serve.