Consent form

You have been invited to take part in a study to learn more about how people experience the world. This study will be conducted by Professor Pascal Wallisch of the Department of Psychology at New York University.

If you agree to be in this study, you may be asked to do some or all of the following: (1) Complete a questionnaire about your personal background (age, gender, education, etc); (2) View simple images and be asked questions about your subjective perception of these images; (3) Be asked questions about your beliefs, lifestyle choices and preferences. If some of them are too personal for you, just leave them blank. 

The expected duration for this study is 8-9 minutes. There are no known risks associated with your participation in this research beyond those of everyday life. Although you will receive no direct benefits from the experiment, this research may help the investigator understand human visual perception better.

Confidentiality of your research records will be strictly maintained. In addition, data is never directly linked to individual identity. To participate, you must be at least 18 years old. You may proceed at your own pace and take rest breaks as needed.

Participation in this study is voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw at any time without penalties. You have the right to skip or not answer any questions you prefer not to answer.

If there is anything about the study or your participation that is unclear or that you do not understand, or if you have questions or wish to report a research-related problem, you may contact the principal investigator, Pascal Wallisch (212 998-8430), For questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact the University Committee on Activities Involving Human Subjects, New York University, 665 Broadway, Suite 804, New York, NY 10012 at 212-998-4808 or .

Please print a copy of this consent document to keep.

Clicking "next" below means that you agree to participate in this study.