Question Title

* 1. What High School are you from?

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* 2. What Year are you in?

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* 3. Are you Male or Female?

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* 4. How many stars (out of 6) would you rate the Life Choices presentation? (please circle if printed)

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* 5. What was your favourite part of the presentation?

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* 6. Was the presentation relevant to your age group?

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* 7. Did the presentation encourage you to take more control of your life?

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* 8. Did the presentation encourage you to value yourself more?

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* 9. Do you personally think it's helpful to discuss values & beliefs?

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* 10. Finally, how would you rank the Life Choices presentation vs similar ones you've seen?

Thanks for your feedback. For more great info, connect with us on Facebook @lifechoicesfoundation or Instagram @lifechoices_foundation