Kia ora! Welcome to the Street Innovations Challenge - Cycleway Separators. Supported by the Global Designing Cities Initiative (GDCI), Wellington City Council is adapting our streets to provide people with more transport options.We're seeking designs for cycleway separation solutions to help build a safe and connected bike network in Wellington, and make it safer and easier for pedestrians, drivers, and people on the bus.Entries must include: a brief description of the concept (500 words max.) annotated concept drawings, including dimensions visuals of the design in a street context information on materials (including their availability within New Zealand and estimated costs) installation details (including equipment required to install and construction methodology) time requirements, and any innovative efficiencies that have been incorporated. Before proceeding with your design submission, please make sure that you have: Referred to the full design brief, design guidance, and technical requirements for the challenge Read the terms and conditions for the competition. You will also need to be able to submit your designs either as a file that is 16MB or less, or provide a document transfer link such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or WeTransfer.Please email if you have any questions. 20% of survey complete. Next