Pepsi SpringJam 2016 Survey

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100% of survey complete.
We hope you are having a splendid time at Pepsi SpringJam. We'd like you to fill out this survey so we can better improve your experience in 2017. By completing this survey you will be entered into one of the five drawings for a pair of tickets to next year's festival.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Age

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* 3. Gender

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* 4. Email:

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* 5. What is your street address?

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* 6. City

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* 7. State

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* 8. In what ZIP code is your home located? (enter 5-digit ZIP code; for example, 00544 or 94305)

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* 9. Marital Statues

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* 10. Are you a visitor to Panama City Beach?

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* 11. How long will you be staying in PCB during the visit?

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* 12. How many people traveled in your vehicle to the festival today (does not include buses, group tours, motor coaches)

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* 13. Household Yearly Income 

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* 14. How did you hear about Pepsi SpringJam? (Please check ALL that apply)

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* 15. How far in advance did you plan to attend the festival?

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* 16. How many times will you or your group attend the festival this week?

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* 17. How much did/will your immediate travel party (those with whom you shared your expenses) spend WHILE IN PCB?

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* 18. Where did you stay while in Panama City Beach, FL?

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* 19. Did you like it? 

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* 20. Did you purchase a condo package?

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* 21. Who were your top 3 performers?

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* 22. Do you plan to attend Pepsi SpringJam 2017?

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* 23. If No or Maybe, please explain: 

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* 24. How would you rank your satisfaction with PCB?

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* 25. How would you rank your satisfaction with the festival?

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* 26. What artists would you like to see at Pepsi SpringJam 2017?

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* 27. What can we do better?

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* 28. When did you complete this survey?