1. Demographics & General Information

Question Title

* 1. Enter your information as you want it to appear on your certificate (input NONE if no certificate is required).

Question Title

* 2. Email Address (where you would like your certificate sent; input NONE if no certificate is required)

Please state whether the objectives were met; and please rate the effectiveness of the speaker(s)

Question Title

* 3. Session 7. Supersizing Your SMEs’ Output (and Satisfaction!) in a Virtual Environment

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Laura Brooks was an effective speaker for this session
Sarah Hughes was an effective speaker for this session
Demonstrate innovative ice breakers, including: content-relevant “mad libs,” creativity-inducing games, etc.
Describe how facilitators divided item review tasks with “brain break” activities and provide examples.
Demonstrate tools and techniques including: “jam boards” for item topic brainstorm, round robin item development, SME “crowd-sourced” distractor development, “unicorn items”, etc.