This is the application for Spring 2019 MCC minigrant opportunities.

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* 1. Please provide your full name

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* 2. Please provide your MCC e-mail address.

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* 3. Please identify your status at MCC.

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* 4. Please identify the division you work for. You may select more than one division if this minigrant is a collaborative project across divisions.

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* 5. How many years have you worked at the college?

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* 6. Please indicate what sort of grant you are applying for

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* 7. Please identify the strategic goal(s) your proposal addresses. You may select more than one category.

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* 8. Please provide a title for your project. The title should clearly convey the nature of your proposal (ex: iPad Tutorials for Faculty)

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* 9. Proposed Project Description: In 500 words or less, please provide a concise narrative which meets the following criteria:

a) Explain the need or problem the project is intended to address,

b) Identify the specific project outcomes, how they benefit students, an

d how it addresses the strategic goal(s) identified above.

c) Describe how you intend to assess the results/impact of your project.

In addition to the proposal narrative, please provide a detailed budget for your minigrant proposal.  If this minigrant proposal requires faculty/staff labor, please provide a breakdown of hours needed to complete project based on $35 hour rate. You can access a copy of the MCC Minigrant Application Budget Proposal template by clicking this link. Completed budgets for foundation minigrant applications should be e-mailed to Amy Lee ( Completed budgets for PD Innovation Minigrants should be emailed to Peter Shea (

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* 10. Is this a single person project or does it entail a collaboration?

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* 11. Have you discussed this proposal with your dean or a supervisor in your area?