Question Title

* 1. Do you believe the concern you are reporting poses an imminent threat to the safety and welfare of animals?  An imminent threat means one or more animals may experience serious or life-threatenging illness or injury.

Question Title

* 2. Your Name (optional)

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* 3. Email address or phone number where you may be contacted:  (optional)

You are not required to identify yourself and your IP address will not be recorded from this survey.  We only ask for contact information to enable us to ask follow-up questions that may arise.  Please see the IACUC webpage for more information.  If you provide information here, it will be kept confidential and only be known to the IACUC Administrative Team (Coordinator, Administrator, Chair, Attending Veterinarian).

Question Title

* 4. Please provide as much detail as possible regarding your concern.  Include dates and locations if possible.  

The IACUC will review the information you provide and determine the proper course of action.  See the IACUC noncompliance policy for more information.