We want to offer a new part-time course option. Help us decide if we should!

Your input matters—we will only run the course if we get enough interest. 

Study graphic design part-time at Shillington one day per week—Sundays for 9 months.

Would you be interested in this course?

• Class every Sunday
• 21 September 2019 — 19 July 2020
• Full day course (coffee break and lunch break)
• 6-8 hours of homework per week
• 4 required Saturday classes: 21 September, 16 November, 6 June and 27 June

Question Title

* 1. Your details

Question Title

* 2. Where would you want to study?

Question Title

* 3. Which course would you prefer?

Question Title

* 4. If the Sunday Part-Time Course is offered, I would prefer:

Question Title

* 5. Why are you interested in the Sunday Part-Time Course option?

Question Title

* 6. Anything else you'd like to share?