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Service Time Change "The WHY"

We really do want to make MORE room for MORE people to SEE JESUS. That's why we've chosen to campaign and build a new facility right here on our amazing property!
While we wait, we must continue to work creatively to make room for more families! We have nearly exhausted every usable space on our campus and continue to reach maximum capacity in our children's facilities.
We have an amazing opportunity as a church to shift our service times, in order to accommodate new families and add a third Children's Program!

Please prayerfully consider these questions as they will impact our decision process moving forward. Thank you!

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* 1. Name and Email Address

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* 2. Which service do you and your family currently attend most?

In order to make as much room as possible, we need families to consider shifting service times to our later service times.

  • If you currently attend the 9:15 AM service, we'd love for you to consider attending the 10:15 AM or 11:30 AM service
  • If you currently attend the 10:45 AM service, we'd love for you to consider attending the 11:30 AM service

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* 3. Which NEW service time would you and your family MOST LIKELY attend?

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* 5. Have a comment?

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