Is this ECG normal or abnormal?

A 22 year old male of Afro-Caribbean descent playing in the Australian Football League presents for a screening ECG. He has no cardiovascular symptoms and no family history of heart disease. His ECG is shown below. You assess the ECG for normality or abnormality and try to identify the normal or abnormal components.

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* 1. Is his ECG “normal” or “abnormal” based on the International Criteria for ECG interpretation in athletes?

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* 2. What specific ECG finding(s) make this ECG abnormal warranting additional cardiac testing?

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* 3. What cardiac imaging is recommended to exclude cardiomyopathy in athletes with inferolateral T-wave inversion?

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* 4. Which of the following ECG findings is not part of a normal repolarization pattern in black athletes (of Afro-Caribbean descent)?