Based on my success as a student in post-secondary school and teacher's college, I am shocked to find myself in the position I am in.
I was a better teacher 2 years ago.
It's not what you do, it's who you know.
I am determined to continue my teaching career no matter how long I remain underemployed.
My self-esteem is suffering due to my lack of success in obtaining a contract and/or permanent position.
I feel like I am constantly starting my career over (i.e. following a maternity leave, each September, following a long-term position).
Students treat me with the same respect with which they treat regular classroom teachers.
I am feeling discouraged most days before my work as an OT.
I often suffer from anxiety.
I sometimes worry excessively over little things that went wrong during the school day and wonder if I will be called back for an assignment in that classroom or school.
When I am not called back to a classroom or school I lose sleep over what I could have done better.
My job conditions negatively impact one or more of the following: learning, relationships, health and/or overall life satisfaction.
I feel that the recent hiring for the LTO list was unfair and failed to recognize my true talent as a teacher.
I am able to recognize my personal strengths and needs and I am comfortable with myself the way I am.
I feel good about my skills and accomplishments.
My inability to move along in my career has affected my overall opinion of myself and my abilities.
I find it difficult to say no.
I tend to focus on my weaknesses and flaws.
I am uncomfortable with, and have difficulty accepting praise.
I feel like I have to pretend to be someone I am not when in a school setting, since being myself has not been effective.
The enthusiasm and excitement I felt as a new teacher is dwindling as time passes.
I feel as time goes by that I am less supported by my family, friends and colleagues as an Occasional Teacher.