Exit Exploring Self Employment - Is it for You? Question Title * 1. Date: Date / Time Date Question Title * 2. Facilitator(s): Question Title * 3. My understanding of what it means to be self employed ...BEFORE the workshop poor fair average good excellent N/A poor fair average good excellent N/A Question Title * 4. My understanding of what it means to be self employed ...AFTER the workshop poor fair average good excellent N/A poor fair average good excellent N/A Question Title * 5. The workshop facilitator(s): poor fair average good excellent N/A seemed well informed about self-employment as a career option seemed well informed about self-employment as a career option poor seemed well informed about self-employment as a career option fair seemed well informed about self-employment as a career option average seemed well informed about self-employment as a career option good seemed well informed about self-employment as a career option excellent seemed well informed about self-employment as a career option N/A provided useful self assessment activities, information, tools and resources provided useful self assessment activities, information, tools and resources poor provided useful self assessment activities, information, tools and resources fair provided useful self assessment activities, information, tools and resources average provided useful self assessment activities, information, tools and resources good provided useful self assessment activities, information, tools and resources excellent provided useful self assessment activities, information, tools and resources N/A covered the topic clearly, addressed the group's needs & facilitated the workshop smoothly covered the topic clearly, addressed the group's needs & facilitated the workshop smoothly poor covered the topic clearly, addressed the group's needs & facilitated the workshop smoothly fair covered the topic clearly, addressed the group's needs & facilitated the workshop smoothly average covered the topic clearly, addressed the group's needs & facilitated the workshop smoothly good covered the topic clearly, addressed the group's needs & facilitated the workshop smoothly excellent covered the topic clearly, addressed the group's needs & facilitated the workshop smoothly N/A Please comment on why you rated the workshop facilitator(s): Question Title * 6. Overall, this workshop met my expectations poor fair average good excellent N/A poor fair average good excellent N/A Question Title * 7. What have you learned from this workshop that you can use in your career planning, job search or self employment plans Question Title * 8. What did you find most useful? Question Title * 9. What did you find least useful? Question Title * 10. Did you leave with (check as many as apply) A better understanding of what it means to be self-employed A clearer idea whether or not to pursue self-employment for yourself A list of resources and next steps for further research regarding self-employment Other Comments: Question Title * 11. My next step is to (check as many as apply): make an appointment with my case manager/Employment Advisor more self-assessment and research attend another workshop Other (please specify) Done