Your project must have official endorsement to be included in the Scientix Projects Repository

Reminder: Your project must secure private or public funding, be it regional, national or EU, otherwise it will not be included in the Scientix Projects Repository. 
Self-funded projects or school projects (teacher's projects) are not eligible and therefore will be automatically rejected. 

Question Title

* 1. Title (Acronym + Full title)
e.g. DESIRE, Disseminating Educational Science, Innovation and Research in Europe

Question Title

* 2. Teaser

Question Title

* 3. Description of the project (Basic information)

Question Title

* 4. Description of the research and reports of the project (information targeted to researchers)

Question Title

* 5. Description of the activities and teaching materials of the project (information targeted to teachers)

Scientix ®, an initiative of European Schoolnet.

Question Title
