Parents & Teachers

This questionnaire takes about 5 minutes to complete.
The School Refusal Assessment Scale is an evidence based assessment tool designed to evaluate school refusal disorder symptoms in children and identify their reasons for avoiding school. The School Refusal Assessment Scale was developed by Christopher Kearney and Wendy Silverman,  Several research studies support the SRAS-R as a reliable and valid measure of children’s school refusal symptoms.

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* 1. How often does your child have bad feelings about going to school because he/she is afraid of something related to school (for example, tests, school bus, teacher, fire alarm)?

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* 2. How often does your child stay away from school because it is hard for him/her to speak with the other kids at school?

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* 3. How often does your child feel he/she would rather be with you or your spouse than go to school?

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* 4. When your child is not in school during the week (Monday to Friday), how often does he/she leave the house and do something fun?

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* 5. How often does your child stay away from school because he/she will feel sad or depressed if he/she goes?

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* 6. How often does your child stay away from school because he/she feels embarrassed in front of other people at school?

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* 7. How often does your child think about you or your spouse or family when in school?

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* 8. When your child is not in school during the week (Monday to Friday), how often does he/she talk to or see other people (other than his/her family)?

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* 9. How often does your child feel worse at school (for example, scared, nervous, sad) compared to how he/she feels at home with friends?

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* 10. How often does your child stay away from school because he/she does not have many friends there?

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* 11. How much would your child rather be with his/her family than go to school?

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* 12. When your child is not in school during the week (Monday to Friday), how much does he/she enjoy doing different things (for example, being with friends, going place)?

You're doing well, only 13 more questions to go!

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* 13. How often does your child have bad feelings about school (for example, scared, nervous, or sad) when he/she thinks about school on Saturday and Sunday?

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* 14. How often does your child stay away from certain places in school (e.g., hallways, places where certain groups of people are) where he/she would have to talk to someone?

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* 15. How much would your child rather be taught by you or your spouse at home than by his/her teacher at school?

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* 16. How often does your child refuse to go to school because he/she wants to have fun outside of school?

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* 17. If you child has less bad feelings (for example, scared, nervous, sad) about school, would it be easier for him/her to go to school?

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* 18. If it were easier for your child to make new friends, would it be easier for him/her to go to school?

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* 19. Would it be easier for your child to go to school if you or your spouse went with him/her?

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* 20. Would it be easier for your child to go to school if he/she could do more things he/she likes to do after school hours (for example, being with friends)?

Only 5 more questions to go!

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* 21. How much more does your child have bad feelings about school (for example, scared, nervous, or sad) compared to other kids his/her age?

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* 22. How often does your child stay away from people at school compared to other kids his/her age?

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* 23. Would your child like to be home with you or your spouse more than other kids his/her age?

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* 24. Would your child rather be doing fun things outside of school more than most kids his/her age?

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* 25. Name (confidential)

don't forget to submit your results.
School Refusal Assessment Scale - Revised, Developed by Christopher Kearney and Wendy Silverman.
  1. Kearney, C. A.; Silverman, W. K. (1993), "Measuring the function of school refusal behavior: The School Refusal Assessment Scale", Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 22 (1): 85–86
  2. Kearney, C. A. (2002), "Identifying the function of school refusal behavior: A revision of the School Refusal Assessment Scale", Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 24 (4): 235–245
  3. Kearney, C.A. (2006), "Confirmatory factor analysis of the School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised: Child and parent versions", Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 28 (3): 139–144

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