
From the beginning of the financial year 2017-18 the government phased in a national funding formula for Early Years (EY) and the following year for the Schools Block (SB), High Needs (HN) and the Central Services Schools Block (CSSB).

In 2021-22 the phased implementation of these funding formulas will continue. This document seeks views of schools, academies and free schools on several proposals in respect of the SB, CSS and HN Blocks, specifically:
  • The value of the minimum funding guarantee, it is proposed to set this at +0.5 per cent;
  • Possible changes to the growth fund if the grant is insufficient to cover projected planned growth in primary and high schools in September 2021;
  • De-delegation of funding (maintained schools only);
  • Various matters relating to the central services schools’ block and historic commitments; and
  • Maintaining a transfer from the schools to the high needs block of 0.5 per cent, approximately £1.3m.
Responses should be made using this on-line survey and should be completed by Friday 16 October 2020. 
School funding consultation 2021-22 (pdf) 
Please note the consultation document and the financial impact of these changes were modelled based on 2020-21 data and provisional block grant announcements in July.  Similarly, school level illustrations of the NFF available on COLLECT are based on 2019 data. Allocations for 2021-22 will use October 2020 information.

All the information collected through this survey will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR. Responses will be used in summary form only and individuals will not be identified in any report.

Please click 'Next' to start the survey.