Your Feedback Helps Us Build a Better SCGA

When you pay an annual membership fee to belong to SCGA, you expect to get your money’s worth. To deliver value, we want to know the most important things you need to be done. Thanks for participating in our survey to help us figure this out.

Question Title

* 1. Tell us a little bit about your business. Please mark all license types (parenthesis) you might apply for now or in the future.

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* 3. Below you'll find things that members say they want SCGA to help them do. Please indicate the importance of each statement to your needs.

  This matters This doesn't matter
I’d like to meet other people in the cannabis industry.
I want to sell my product or service to customers.
I want to promote my product or service to potential customers.
I need to know how to comply with city, county and state regulations today and in the future.
I need to find people who are competent, reliable and trustworthy who can help me navigate compliance with local and state regulations.

Question Title

* 4. Thinking about your answers to the previous question, which of the following things match your expectations?

  This Matters This Doesn't Matter
Ask questions by email of staff with 24-hour turnaround
Access to a local classified website and mobile app for real estate, employment and buy, sell and trade specifically for the cannabis industry
Attend State of the County economic development events as guest of SCGA
Attend an annual cannabis awards ceremony to feature best practices in the industry
Receive discounts from SCGA participating vendors
Access to workshops specifically on topics of local and state regulations
Option to attend regular member social mixer events
Get personal introductions to people within the industry and in the general business population
Have my business featured in a local cannabis resource directory
Have my business promoted on social media like Facebook
Receive free consultations with regulation compliance experts
Promote my product at consumer events
Access to workshops specifically on topic about best practices for improving my products
Participation in business to business trade show events
Post my events on the SCGA online calendar
Access to news and commentary about local and state regulations and pending legislative actions
Receive news about the local and regional cannabis industry

Question Title

* 5. In the spaces below please indicate the dollar value you would place on SCGA annual membership if all your favorite features listed in the previous question were included in membership. (Please use whole numbers, no decimals or $ signs).

Question Title

* 6. How likely is it that you would recommend SCGA to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely