SCDD Community Feedback Survey

Responses are reviewed as they are received

Scioto County Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) is interested in feedback concerning community needs and services provided by SCDD. Individuals served, families, service providers, board members, collaborative agencies, and the community at large are encouraged to take a few minutes to complete this survey. Thank you for your time.
1.Please indicate who is completing this survey (check as many as applies)
2.If it applies, please indicate which SCDD service(s) you (or your family member) are receiving from SCDD. You may check more than one.
3.If you or your family member does not receive SCDD Services, to what extent are you familiar with SCDD and their services?
4.Please provide your satisfaction rating for the following categories by marking the corresponding box:
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Not Applicable
Early Intervention/Early Childhood/Help Me Grow
School Programs/Vern Riffe School
Service & Support Administration (SSA)
Residential/Supported Living/Waiver Services
Family Directed Services
Positive Behavior Supports
Scioto County Special Olympics
Investigations - MUI/UI
5.Please respond by indication your opinion of each of the statements below:
I don't know
Overall, SCDD provides quality services
Tax dollars are being spent wisely
Programs ensure health and safety
Leadership is supportive and helpful
Employees are dedicated and responsive
Access to services is user friendly
SCDD communicates well with stakeholders
Individuals can choose services they want and need
SCDD works closely with other community organizations
6.What are the strengths of SCDD?
7.What opportunities are there for SCDD to change or improve?
8.What concerns do you have for SCDD's future?
9.Provide examples you've observed of SCDD staff members displaying our agency values of professionalism, being person centered, and displaying grit:
10.If you would like more information regarding SCDD programs please include your name, address, phone number, and email below.