Dear Friends of SBRSD,

The Southern Berkshire Regional School District has embarked on an exciting project and we need your help!

While there is much discussion about the future composition of school districts in the Berkshires, we still need to focus on our primary task: educating the children of the five towns that comprise OUR school district.  As we look forward, the SBRSD has decided to set a vision for our future, and to develop a series of goals for our district to aspire to.  I believe the vision is foundational for the District, and serves as the “North Star” as we navigate the ever-changing educational landscape and prepare our students for their future. The vision needs to be present throughout the District, to be a point of reference when we are making student centered decisions, and to be created by a representation of stakeholders from all aspects of the five communities to ensure this important work is supported by all. A committee of townspeople, staff, parents, and representatives from all of our towns has been tasked with writing the vision and developing the goals.  SBRSD will incorporate feedback received and share this collaborative vision with the school community. SBRSD will  then turn our attention to meeting the goals and continuing to improve programs for all of our students.  

We need your input as part of this process.  We have set up an on-line survey, estimated to take 10 to 15 minutes of your time to complete, that can be accessed by a link on our homepage (  We will also have copies of the survey at each town hall with directions as to how you can complete and return the survey to us.  SBRSD needs your participation in order to make this project a success.  I know that we are all committed to making our district the best it can be.  Please join us as we move forward toward an exciting future for our students. 

Thank you on behalf of the Visioning Committee ~

Beth Regulbuto
Superintendent of Schools

Question Title

* 1. I am a resident of:

Question Title

* 2. Please identify yourself ( check all that apply ):

Question Title

* 3. I currently have a child attending ( check all that apply ):

Question Title

* 4. I intend to send my child(ren) to the SBRSD schools when they become eligible to attend?

Question Title

* 5. I did send my child(ren) to SBRSD schools, but now they attend school elsewhere.

Question Title

* 6. I home school my child(ren).

Question Title

* 7. Though I live in the SBRSD, I send my child(ren) to a school outside of the District or to a private school.

Question Title

* 8. Please choose from the list below the top 5 factors that you consider the most important for an excellent school program with #1 being the most important:

Question Title

* 9. For each of the following items, please provide a rating.  How well does SBRSD perform when it comes to:

  excellent very good average poor unsatisfactory no opinion
supporting high academic achievement
providing a high quality curriculum
ensuring that the learning needs of all students are met
measuring student learning in a varied and interesting way
providing students with an overall high quality education
providing meaningful feedback to help students improve their work
providing useful reports on student progress to parents
promoting the use of technology as an integral factor in student's education

Question Title

* 10. How well does SBRSD do when it comes to providing a strong learning environment by:

  Excellent Very Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory No opinion
providing a high level of care for all students
allowing open communication between students and teachers
understanding students as individuals
dealing proactively with student behavior-related issues
administering fair and consistent discipline
maintaining standards of behavior that ensure students' safety
providing a safe and secure environment through the use of new technologies and effective district protocols

Question Title

* 11. How well does the SBRSD perform when it comes to providing a supportive and professional work environment for its instructional, non-instructional and administrative staff by:

  Excellent Very Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory No opinion
employing staff who are approachable and helpful to students and families
ensuring that the members of the staff get to know students
providing professional development for staff
providing effective management
ensuring that the school and district leadership is professional, approachable and responsive
recruiting and retaining high quality staff
developing a system for rewarding and recognizing staff

Question Title

* 12. How well does the SBRSD perform when it comes to communicating with families of our students in terms of:

  Excellent Very Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory No opinion
making parents/family members feel welcome at the school
handling complaints effectively and in a timely manner
contacting parents/guardians in a timely manner when problems arise with their children
communicating effectively with parents
ensuring parents receive sufficient information about school matters
encouraging parents to support school activities
providing opportunities for parents/guardians to participate in important decisions regarding their children's education

Question Title

* 13. Communication: How well does the SBRSD communicate with the wider community when it comes to:

  Excellent Very Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory No opinion
promoting school events to the community beyond the families of our students
promoting a climate of openness and trust between the community and the school district
welcoming citizen involvement in district activities
supporting the use of district facilities by the larger community after school hours and on the weekends
discussing resource alllocation decisions with the community
communicationg the educational needs of the district and its students

Question Title

* 14. What are the things you think the SBRSD does well?

Question Title

* 15. What are the things you believe the district could do better?

Question Title

* 16. If there were no financial barriers, what would you like to see the district accomplish for our students?