As part of the SMP Master Planning process, we’d like your early feedback. As part of a previously approved residential development project, 200 acres of open space were dedicated to the County to be maintained as a natural preserve, the San Marcos Foothills Preserve, with approximately 10 acres of area that have been designated for a passive park. Please visit the County Parks website for details regarding upcoming public workshops,

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* 1. Approximately how many miles will you travel to arrive at the San Marcos proposed passive park?

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* 2. How would you primarily travel to the park?

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* 3. In the past, how many times have you visited the existing San Marcos Foothills Preserve/ Open Space?

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* 4. On average, how many times do you anticipate visiting the new proposed San Marcos Passive Park?

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* 5. If the proposed park were to install a public restroom, would you feel more inclined to visit this park?

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* 6. Please rank in numerical order from 1-10 the passive park features that you would most like to see incorporated into the proposed San Marcos Passive Parks design.  #1 being the most desirable park feature and #10 being the least desirable park feature.  If you have an idea for a feature that is not listed here, please describe it in the next question

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* 7. Please explain any concerns you may have regarding the proposed San Marcos Passive Park. Please be as detailed/precise as possible in your description. Thank you for your time and valued feedback.