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Thank you for taking our Rostrum feedback survey. Rostrum is a publication of the National Speech & Debate Association. Rostrum shares best practices, resources, and opportunities that connect, support, and inspire a diverse community of educators committed to empowering students through speech and debate. Questions that ask for feedback specifically related to this issue of Rostrum refer to the February/March 2021 issue. Please have the paper or online version of that issue available to respond, or answer N/A for those particular questions.

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* 1. Your full name (optional, for drawing):

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* 2. Your email address (optional, for drawing):

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* 3. How many years have you been coaching and/or teaching speech and debate?

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* 4. How do you primarily read Rostrum?

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* 5. How often do you read at least a portion of Rostrum?

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* 6. When do you usually read Rostrum?

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* 7. What do you usually do with your copy of Rostrum after you've read it?

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* 8. Overall, how would you rate Rostrum's ability to connect, support, and inspire the speech and debate coaching community?

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* 9. Please rank the following purposes of Rostrum from least important to you to most important to you, one choice per column.

  Least important Most important
Celebrating coach and student members of the speech and debate community.
Highlighting useful teaching and coaching resources.
Sharing updates on NSDA programs (e.g. Nationals, conferences, National Speech and Debate Education Day)
Promoting best practices in speech and debate programming (e.g. equity and inclusion, judge training, event standards).

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* 10. How easy was it to find what you were looking for in the February/March 2021 issue of Rostrum?

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* 11. How visually appealing is the February/March 2021 of Rostrum?

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* 12. Which 2-3 items in the February/March 2021 of Rostrum did you find most valuable as a reader?

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* 13. Which two of the following past Rostrum covers are the most appealing/interesting to you?

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* 14. In the prior question, why did you choose those two covers?

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* 15. How much do you trust the information in Rostrum?

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* 16. How likely is it that you would recommend reading Rostrum to another member of the speech and debate community?


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* 17. Do you have any other comments about how we can improve Rostrum?

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* 18. In the past year, have you recommended or purchased a product or service advertised in Rostrum (e.g. a speech and debate camp, speech and debate honorary items, NSDA tournament services or trophies, etc.)

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