The results of this survey provide your school district a snapshot of parents' perceptions and attitudes. The survey is conducted by TIE (Technology and Innovation in Education) on behalf of your school district. Your answers will remain confidential as individual survey responses are not shared with the district, only combined results. If you have questions about the survey, contact Lennie Symes

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* 1. What school district do your children attend?

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* 2. What levels do you have students in the school system?

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* 3. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree
Students should have more choice in the way they learn.
I would like to see my child take more responsibility for his/her learning.
The internet can be an important tool for my child's learning.
I find the ABCDF grading system does not really tell me much about my child's progress.
The way I learned in school is the best way for my child to learn.
I would like my child to have more one-to-one or small group interaction with teachers and less whole-class instruction.
Technology is vital for student learning in today's classroom.
A positive student and teacher relationship should involve goal-setting, collaborating, and providing continuous feedback concerning the student's work.
In today's world, content for learning should come from a variety of sources, not just teachers and textbooks.
Students could benefit from out-of-school experiences including volunteerism, internship, field work, and solving real world problems.
I send my child to school to be taught, not to have to find information on their own.
I can monitor my child's progress in school at any time quickly and easily.
I want my child to progress individually based on his/her ability rather than progressing with other students as an age group.
I would like my child to be more of an independent learner and not depend so much on adults.
Flexible school calendars year-round could offer some interesting learning opportunities not available in a September-May calendar.
Flexible student schedules that look completely different from when I was in school could offer some interesting learning opportunities.
Students should develop strong technology skills in school.
Students should focus more on applying knowledge and solving problems rather than memorizing facts.
I believe we need a stronger partnership between family and schools to enhance student learning.

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* 4. Choose the one statement that best fits your beliefs:

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* 5. Choose the level of internet access you have at your home.

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* 6. How would you describe the ideal learning experience for your child?