Complete this free risk management maturity assessment to determine whether your organization is risk management 1 or risk management 2. The assessment takes less than 10 minutes and is designed as a quick assessment to determine potential gaps in risk management integration.
Risk management 2 is about integrating risk analysis into decision making, core processes and operations. According to both ISO31000:2018 and COSO ERM:2017 risk management should be an integral part of planning, performance management and decision making. Test whether this is indeed the case at your organization.

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* 1. Does your organization have a separate risk management team?

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* 2. How many people are in the risk team (including the unit head)

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* 3. Who does the risk team report to?

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* 4. Please indicate the industry in which your company operates:

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* 5. Do you want to receive the results of the survey by email? List your email if yes, skip question otherwise